Wednesday, 5 November 2008

[Door one] Road to OBESITY


....or those who are obese, this is surely not a good news for you. You which include your body and your mind. Being obese will tire you and always makes you feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, having extra fats is like carrying extra weight and eventually hurts the joints in your body since the stress are added up and if this situation is still continue, you might not be able to move freely like before or worst, you......

more detail (here)


Ms. Sheena said...

Excellent post Hazimah.
I can see that you thought about it thoroughly before writing. Very informative and interesting. It's nice that you included the formula for calculating BMI.

Just one thing though, you should add the automatic comment link at the bottom of each post, so that everyone can find this link easily.

Keep it up =)

♥ Hanim Naim ♥ said...

Omomomo! Hahah. I love your template, dude. =) As ms. Sheena said, yours is well informative. Looking forward to see more. =) KFC? We rock, girl! *apakan?* ;p

Mun2025 said... like your template zimah,hehe..:)Your information about obesity is so interesting!!keep up the good work!!